Rules for Woman in Relationship
- Make the bed first thing in the morning.
- Your lady is unable to make the bed if you are still in it. As a man, you should rise up with purpose and begin your day in earnest.
- No reckless eyeballing. Attention should be focused on your man.
- Do not discuss sex or sexual topics with anyone.
- Do not discuss the relationship with anyone.
- Do not interrupt peace.
- Consider timing. Do not bring up negative conversations when your man is happy or in a state of peace.
- There is a difference between sharing your perspective and adding weight to man’s experience through complaint or nagging.
- Food
- Ensure your man is fed every four hours.
- Prepare a hot breakfast daily.
- Carry healthy snacks.
- Bring your man’s food and set it before him. When his meal is completed take away his food.
- Role
- Grocery shopping.
- Wash dishes
- Male’s never do a woman’s laundry.
- Respect Your Man’s Money
- Be thankful/say thank you
- Have Faith
- Be a cheerleader
- Communication
- Do not speak while thinking, settle on a decision and then speak.
- Be not vulgar or masculine in your communication.
- Run a towel under hot and wash of your man after intercourse.
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