Many pickup artists will suggest being an A hole to females…but is that really what will get a girl to respect you?
Mature woman schools feminist on reality. The Men’s Rights movement needs women like this.
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High Value Men MUST value themselves more than P@$$Y. You must demand more from a woman. Every woman has a box, but not every woman is good for you. Book consultation:...
When a girl cancels or tries to reschedule a date, what should you do? Here is meaningful advice on how to deal with women who are displaying these behaviors. Exclusive...
Tips on how to Dr. Phil a woman. Full unedited version on Patreon. ▶️ Join the Patreon: ▶️ Book consultation: ▶️ Get my book: ▶️ Buy Merchandise: at ▶️ cash app:...
You may have asked yourself how you can increase your swagger or be more appealing to women. Here is a short video with tips you can use to get started now. MGTOW Red...
Would you rather have a real one or a bad one? Talk about it. ▶️ Join the Patreon: ▶️ Get my book: ▶️ Buy Merchandise: at ▶️ cash app: $Marquett #GoodWoman #Dating...
A brief video sharing some quotes and lesson’s from Iceberg Slim’s, ‘Pimp: Story of My Life’ . The pimping applies to many circumstances in the...
Funny video explains how marijuana, social drinking and drugs are hurting you. Real men do not need haram intoxicants. Substance abuse is will not make you more...
This video explains that there are four different types of players. Which player type are you? Or, which player types have you seen trying to get you? www.TheSaSN...